New & Improved Milk Formula, Zero Sucrose, Optimal Balance.

Crafted specifically for Asian children aged one to seven years old, Morinaga Chil-kid’s improved formulation is completely free from sucrose, and offers a healthier option for your child's nutritional needs.

Enriched with more than 45 essential nutrients vital for their growth journey, each serving of Morinaga Chil-kid is a testament of our commitment to your loved one's well-being.

Support your child’s health and wellness today with a Morinaga Chil-kid 600g Trial Pack at only RM10!

Experience Nutritional Optimization for Asian Children

Every moment is an opportunity for mom and child to flourish!

Why Choose
Morinaga Chil-kid?

No Sucrose

This new and improved formulation does not contain Sucrose. Not consuming Sucrose helps reduce sugar intake in the daily diet, thus providing a healthier choice for your child's growth.

Specially formulated for Asian Children

The enhanced micronutrients in the new formula provides a more balanced and comprehensive nutritional support for the overall growth and development of Asian children.

100+ years Morinaga R&D Institute in Japan

Japanese formulation that supplies essential nutrients in the ratio that children need, based on the international standard of growing up milk formula and the latest scientific research.

Rigorous European Union (EU) quality control

Produced and packed in a state-of-the-art plant in the Netherlands. From the dairy farm to transportation until the end of the product cycle, the nutrition, hygiene and quality of the milk formula are our top priorities.

Stringent quality control with double-inspection process

Goes through a quality assurance process at our factory in the Netherlands with samples sent to Morinaga Japan for a second inspection before the product is released into the market.

Packed with over 45 essential nutrients

Well-balanced nutrients such as ARA+DHA, Inositol, GOS, 5 Nucleotides, Omega 3&6 LCPs and 27 Vitamins and Minerals, which are sufficient to satisfy the nutritional needs of fast-growing children.

What Our Users Say?

Check out what mommies say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

Mummy Miao Si

姐姐会先观察了才行动 属于比较细心派
妹妹就比较大喇喇 情绪表达爱恨分明

她们都是喝Morinaga Chil-kid长大的

Morinaga Chil-kid含有超过45种必需营养素,例如ARA, DHA,GOS,5种核苷酸,27种维生素和矿物质等均衡营养,足以满足孩童快速成长所需的营养。

Mama IIa Ismail

Susu Morinaga Chil-kid menjadi pilihan susu formula untuk Si Manja saya kerana ia sesuai untuk Mika dan dijamin halal.

Susu Morinaga Chil-kid mengandungi lebih daripada 45 nutrien seimbang seperti ARA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nukleotida, Omega 3&6 LCPs dan 27 nutrien utama untuk menyokong pertumbuhan dan perkembangan si manja.

Mummy Bee Kee

还好在朋友的推荐下,了解Morinaga Chil-kid 营养丰富、性质温和,重要的是大宝也即刻适应及爱上了Morinaga~

回想起,大宝已经饮用Morinaga Chil-kid超过2年了,Morinaga 是让我无忧及放心的配方奶。

Morinaga Chil-kid含有超过45种必需营养素,例如ARA, DHA,GOS,5种核苷酸,27种维生素和矿物质等均衡营养,足以满足孩童快速成长所需的营养。

Mama Faryal Khan

Mama risau penyerapan nutrisi si manja anda tidak cukup? Selepas Si Manja saya minum Morinaga Chil-kid, Si Manja dapat nutrien yang seimbang. Saya tidak lagi berasa bimbang. Terima kasih Morinaga!

Susu Morinaga Chil-kid mengandungi lebih daripada 45 nutrien seimbang seperti ARA+DHA, GOS, 5 Nukleotida, Omega 3&6 LCPs dan 27 nutrien utama untuk menyokong pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak-anak.

Where to buy

Physical Stores

Available at leading Supermarkets, Hypermarkets, Pharmacies, Baby Shops, Minimarkets and Chinese Medical Halls.

Shop Online

Order from our official online store - and we will deliver it right to your doorstep, secured and safe!