What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Tan Nian Yer say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Tan Nian Yer

“I knew Morinaga Chil-kid from Facebook. My girl loves Morinaga Chil-kid as compared to the previous milk formula.👍🏻 Morinaga Chil-kid contains balanced nutrients which I believe is good for my girl’s growth and development. Thank you Morinaga!❤”

“我是从面子书(Facebook)认识Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。与之前的配方奶粉相比,我女儿更爱喝Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。👍🏻Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉含有均衡营养,我相信它可以帮助我女儿健康成长。谢谢Morinaga!❤”


👶Child’s Name: Tan Ker Yin
👶Child’s DOB: 23-05-2017
👩Mother’s Name: Tan Nian Yer