What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Tan Lee Huii say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Tan Lee Huii

“My son was having phlegm problem when he was younger. As a mother, I was very worried about his health. Luckily, I came to know about Morinaga Chil-kid from Kedai Ubat Dan Runcit Yong Xin. This milk formula has a mild vanilla taste and is less sweet.❤ Now my son is getting stronger and I am very happy with his progress. Thank you Morinaga!🙏🏻”

“我儿子之前面对痰多的困扰,作为妈妈的我非常担心他的健康。幸运的是,我从永信药行百货商店认识了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。这个配方奶粉含有微微的香草味和少甜。❤自从我的儿子喝了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉后,他也越来越健康强壮,我对他的进步感到非常高兴。谢谢Morinaga!🙏🏻”


👶Child’s Name: Teh Zher Yue
👶Child’s DOB: 12-06-2014
👩Mother’s Name: Tan Lee Huii