What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Loe Pei Ling say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Loe Pei Ling

“I came to know about Morinaga Chil-kid through a friend and my child has been drinking Morinaga Chil-kid since she was 1 year old. She likes the mild vanilla taste and always asks for more.😄 I am very satisfied with her growth progress. Thank you Morinaga!❤”

“我从朋友那里认识到Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。我孩子一岁就开始饮用Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。她喜欢Morinaga配方微微的香草味,总是要求多一杯。😄我对她的成长感到非常满意。谢谢Morinaga!❤”


👶Child’s Name: Yeoh Yee Enn
👶Child’s DOB: 16-02-2016
👩Mother’s Name: Loe Pei Ling