What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Khoo Pei Yee say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Khoo Pei Yee

“我是通过一家药材店--“同发滋補名家”老板的介绍下认识Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。老板说,这个配方源自于日本,含有均衡的AA和DHA比例,因此更适合亚洲儿童的体质。我也发现我女儿很容易接受这个配方奶粉,并且很爱喝!😄”

“I came to know of Morinaga Chil-kid through Tong Huat Medical Hall. The boss shared that Morinaga is a Japanese formulation, it has a balanced ratio of AA and DHA, which is more suitable for Asian children's physique. I also found that my daughter has easily accepted this milk formula and loves to drink it!😄”


👶Child’s Name: Tan Sze Yen
👶Child’s DOB: 05-04-2017
👩Mother’s Name: Khoo Pei Yee