What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Woo San San say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Woo San San

“My daughter has been consuming Morinaga Chil-kid since she was a year old. This formula is mild in taste and moderate in nature. It’s a good supplementary to her daily diet because it can provide the nutrition that my child needs during her growing stage.😁👍”

“我的女儿从一岁起就一直饮用Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。这个配方性质温和,味道清淡,是她日常饮食中的补充剂,因为它可以提供我孩子在成长阶段中所需的营养。😁👍”


👶Child’s Name: Chai Yu Ran
👶Child’s DOB: 11-08-2017
👩Mother’s Name: Woo San San