What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Christy Yap Pei Jun say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Christy Yap Pei Jun

“My friends recommended Morinaga Chil-kid to me. My boy loves this milk formula because of its yummy mild vanilla taste.👍 Besides, I found that Morinaga Chil-kid contains all the essential nutrients for a rapid growing kid and it is less sweet. My boy rarely has to deal with constipation. Thank you Morinaga! ❤️😃”

“我是通过朋友认识了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。我儿子喜欢这个配方奶粉,因为它具有温和香草味。👍此外,我发现Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉含有成长中儿童所需的营养成分,而且它的甜度较低。我儿子鲜少面对便秘问题。谢谢Morinaga! ❤️😃”


👶Child’s Name: Jayden Lee Cheng Zey
👶Child’s DOB: 14-07-2018
👩Mother’s Name: Christy Yap Pei Jun