What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Tang Yee Ling say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Tang Yee Ling

“I always want my child to have a healthy digestive system in order for her to grow up happily. Gladly, my friend recommended Morinaga Chil-kid to me.🥛 My child loves this milk formula so much. This milk powder also contains a balanced ratio of AA and DHA, which is more suitable for Asian children's physiques.🤩”

“我一直都希望孩子拥有健康的肠胃,以便让她快乐地成长。很高兴地,经过朋友的一番介绍下,我认识了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。🥛我发现我孩子非常喜欢这个配方奶粉。这个奶粉也含有均衡的AA和DHA比例,因此更适合亚洲儿童的体质。🤩”


👶Child’s Name: Ng Xiao Xi
👶Child’s DOB: 23-05-2018
👩Mother’s Name: Tang Yee Ling