What Our Retailers Say?

Check out what Eureka Pharmacy - Putrajaya say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Eureka Pharmacy - Putrajaya

Eureka Pharmacy is an established retail pharmacy with headquarters located in Bandar Baru Bangi. It started one outlet in Putrajaya in 2016 and is currently managed by Mr Chong Beng Ho.

Mr Chong came to know that Morinaga has a long history in Malaysia and was the first Japanese milk formula sold in this country. As Morinaga Chil-kid is a Japanese formulation and is 100% produced and packed in the Netherlands, Mr Chong thinks that is reasonably priced and is confident to introduce it to parents who are looking for milk formula.

Eureka Pharmacy是一家知名零售药行,总部位于万宜新镇。2016年它在布城新开了一间分行,目前是由钟先生管理。

钟先生了解到Morinaga配方奶粉在大马已有悠久的历史,并且是在大马销售的第一个日本配方奶粉。Morinaga 是日本Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd 的产品,百年信誉品牌,100%在荷兰生产和出口。因此,钟先生认为Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉价格合理,并且经常向正在寻找配方奶粉的父母们介绍Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。


Eureka Pharmacy - Putrajaya
9, Jalan Seluang P8/7, Presint 8,
62250 Putrajaya.
Tel: 03-8861 7828

**Morinaga Chil-kid 700g Trial Pack application: http://bit.ly/2L0Cy4a