What Our Retailers Say?

Check out what Sunlight Pharmacy - Putatan say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Sunlight Pharmacy - Putatan

Sunlight Pharmacy is a pharmacy chain store in Sabah. One of its outlets is located in Putatan, Sabah. It was established in 2016 and is managed by Ms Grace Tang.

Morinaga Chil-kid is available in all branches of Sunlight pharmacy. As a pharmacist in Putatan branch, Ms Grace shared that this milk formula is mild in taste and moderate in nature, as well as being non-heaty. She has received a lot of positive feedback from regular customers about Morinaga Chil-kid.

Sunlight Pharmacy是沙巴的一家连锁西药行。它的其中一个分店位于沙巴Putatan。它成立于2016年,是由Grace Tang女士管理。

Sunlight Pharmacy的每间分店都有售卖Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。身为Putatan分店的一名药剂师,Grace女士分享说,这个配方奶粉味道清淡,性质温和,不燥热。许多Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉顾客都给与很多好评。


Sunlight Pharmacy - Putatan
Lot 14, Ground Floor Block C, Plaza Mahkota, Putatan,
88300 Penampang, Sabah
Tel: 088-799 802

**Morinaga Chil-kid 700g Trial Pack application: http://bit.ly/2L0Cy4a