What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Yap Yee Siew say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Yap Yee Siew

"I came across Morinaga Chil-kid from one of the Mommies groups on Facebook. I read many good reviews about Morinaga Chil-kid.👍 Therefore, I decided to let my son try it. I am so happy that my son likes to drink it and I am glad to see him growing happily.😁"

“我是从面子书上的其中一个妈咪群组里认识了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。我看到许多妈咪们都给予它很好的反馈。👍因此,我决定让我儿子尝试。我很高兴我孩子很喜欢喝,孩子能够健康快乐成长,我也感到非常庆幸!😁”


👶Child’s Name: Chung Yee Xuan
👶Child’s DOB: 03-11-2017
👩Mother’s Name: Yap Yee Siew