What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Jessie Choo Ai Len say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Jessie Choo Ai Len

"I came to know Morinaga Chil-kid through my sister in law. Her two children have been taking this milk since young and she always said Morinaga Chil-kid was so good. I am so happy to see my child loves it very much and he is still taking this milk until now.😍"

“我是从我的嫂嫂那里认识了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。她的两个孩子从小就开始饮用这个配方奶粉, 她经常都对Morinaga Chil-kid赞不绝口。我很高兴看到我孩子非常喜欢喝,直到现在他仍在饮用这个配方奶粉。😍”


👶Child’s Name: Ethan Lee Jian Yong
👶Child’s DOB: 03-12-2015
👩Mother’s Name: Jessie Choo Ai Len