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Check out what Mummy Elizabeth Homigop say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Elizabeth Homigop

"I came to know about Morinaga Chil-kid from the social media. I tried it for the first time since Morinaga held a contest at that time and guess what? My daughter has loved it ever since.🥛🐮 When my son was a year old, I also tried to offer him Morinaga Chil-kid. He loves this milk formula just like his sister. I always purchase this milk from Chinese Medical Halls or Baby Expo.👍🏻

My daughter loves Morinaga Chil-kid formula because it is less sweet.❤️ With Morinaga Chil-kid formula, my children have become more active. Thank you Morinaga, I am very happy that Mori Chan can be my children's best growing up companion.😊😊"

“我是从社交网站上认识Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉,当时Morinaga正在举办一个竞赛,那是我首次让我女儿尝试这个配方奶粉。自从那次,我女儿就爱上了这个配方奶粉。🥛🐮 当我儿子一岁时,我也给他尝试喝Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉。他跟他姐姐一样,都爱喝这个配方奶粉。我时常从药材店或婴儿博览会上购买这个牛奶。👍🏻

我女儿喜欢Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉,因为它少甜。❤️有了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉,我的孩子变得更加活跃。谢谢Morinaga,我很高兴Mori Chan可以成为我孩子的成长良伴。😊😊”


👶Child’s Name: Kong Mei Chen, Kong Zhen Xing
👶Child’s DOB: 29-06-2016, 25-05-2018
👩Mother’s Name: Elizabeth Homigop