What Our Users Say?

Check out what Mummy Hsu Shin Yee say about our Morinaga Chil-kid!

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Mummy Hsu Shin Yee

"I came to know about Morinaga Chil-kid through my aunt. She said that this formula has a good reputation.💯👏🏻 The most important thing is that my child likes to drink it. She has been drinking Morinaga Chil-kid for a few years now.😄 Thank you Morinaga!❤️"

“我是通过一位阿姨认识了Morinaga Chil-kid配方奶粉,她说这个配方奶粉有好口碑。💯👏🏻 最重要的是我孩子很喜欢喝,她喝着这个配方奶粉已经有几年之久了。😄谢谢morinaga!❤️”


👶Child’s Name: Chin Yu En
👶Child’s DOB: 06-03-2015
👩Mother’s Name: Hsu Shin Yee